Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology MSOA
The registration of the Society is held in Ankara - Turkey by the Governorship
Regulation issues concerning the business of the International Executive Committee
The name of this Corporation shall be the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology. The registered office of MSOA is located in Ankara.
The purposes of the Society as stated in its Certificate of Incorporation are:
To investigate the science and practice of medicine, prevention, surgery, and rehabilitation of diseases and disorders of the ear and related structures.
To promote the fields of otology and audiology in Mediterranean Countries
To encourage the exchange of knowledge, medical education, and training in otology and audiology, by the sponsoring and holding of lectures, meetings, symposia in the different Mediterranean countries.
To promote and sponsor co-operative research among otologist, audiologists and the other professionals in the medical field in order to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases of the ear and related structures.
To solicit, collect, receive, hold, invest, distribute and disburse donations, subscriptions, gifts, bequests and other funds for the purposes of the Society.
To promote friendly personal and academic relationships between all Otololaryngologistsin the region
The Society shall have three classes of Members:
Active Member: Any M.D. physician and Ph.D. scientist related with otology, neurotology, and audiology, who maintains a professional interest in, and has made a recognized professional contribution to the purpose of the society with at least three years of experience after having completed the residency are eligible for active membership. In addition, candidates without these degrees but with other extraordinary professional qualifications may be eligible.
Corresponding member: Any individual qualifying for active membership foreign to the Mediterranean Countries
Honorary Member: Any member or non-member of the Society who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, has made a, significant contribution to the purpose(s) of the Society.
Candidates to active members have to be presented by an active member. The application form should include a current curriculum vita signed by the proposing active member. Letters of recommendation are not required.
The President, vice-president, and Secretary of the Society will form the Membership Committee. The purpose of the Membership Committee is to ensure that applications are suitable for presentation to the Executive Committee.
Active and Corresponding Members are required to pay dues. The number of dues will be determined by the Executive Committee.
Any member that fails to pay the dues for three consecutive years will be removed from active membership, by the executive committee. Obvious misconduct will also be considered a cause for a membership removal. The decision will be made by the majority of vote provided there is a quorum.
Each country will be represented by 3 delegates in the advisory committee. The term for the advisory board members is 4 years. The advisory board members can be re-elected once. One of the delegates will serve as the representative of the country in the executive committee. The representative of the country will be elected by the delegates.
The duties of the Advisory Committee
To promote membership in their countries.
To organise and promote MSOA activities in the corresponding countries.
To notify all active members of any general and regional meetings held by MSOA.
To communicate to other active members of the country any decision made by the executive committee.
The management of the affairs and business of the Society will take place in the Executive Committee. The executive committee wii meet every two years during the regular scientific meetings. Special meetings of the executive committee will be called by the president or by any five members of the executive committee.
The executive committee is formed by one representative of each Mediterranean Country.
The term of office for each executive committee member is four years. The members can be re-elected once.
The officers of the Mediterranean Society will be elected by the executive committee.
The officers will be the President, Past-President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Academic Chairperson. The officers will be elected among the members of the executive committee. The term of office will last four years for all officers with one possible re-election. Any officer can lose his/her position by a majority of vote from the executive committee at any given time. In such case the executive committee shall fill the vacancy by nominating a new officer.
The Officers shall have all the powers of the Executive Committee of the business affairs of the Society when the Executive Committee is not in session.
The duties of the officers:
The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Society. The president will manage the business of the Society and see that the orders and resolutions of the Executive Committee are carried out. The president can call a special meeting of the executive committee at any given time The site, date and purpose of the meeting will be notified at least one month in advance to all members of the executive committee.
The Past-President will support the the President with the experience that he has gained during his presidency.
The Vice-President will aid the President in the society’s business and affairs and will become the president when the active president’s office comes to an end.
The Secretary will keep minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and working groups. The Secretary will notify all members of Executive Committee and advisory committee, of the site and dates of the following meetings. The secretary will also follow the President’s instructions under his supervision. The secretary can be authorised by the president to sign any document on behalf of the society.
The Treasurer shall have custody of the corporate funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts in the business books of the society. The Treasurer will follow the instructions of the president or the secretary to manage the society’s business and will give account of such business during the Executive Committee’s meetings.
Academic chairperson will advise and help the organiser of the Scientific Meeting with the program. The academic chairperson will see that the majority of the contributions to the program are presented by members of the society. All the scientific information displayed in the website has to be approved by the academic chairperson.
There will be two types of meetings:
General Meetings: These meetings will be held every other year. The site and chairperson of these meetings will be chosen by the majority of the vote by the executive committee. The chairperson has the responsibility of planning the Scientific Activities with the approval and help of the academic chairperson. The general meetings will always be held in a country accessible to all members. The chairperson has the responsibility of providing the society with five percent of the revenue of the meeting. The executive committee may decide to wave this payment to support the meeting in exceptional circumstances.
Regional meetings: Two or more Mediterranean Countries can propose a regional meeting that will be approved by a majority of vote by the executive committee. These meetings can not be held in the same year as the general meeting. Regional meetings are not required to be held in countries that are accessible to all members.
2. Notice of the site, chairperson, and program of the scientific meetings will be mailed to each member by the organising committee.
3. The meetings will bear at least one (but preferably more) Key lecture (30-40 minutes plus discussion) at every meeting.
The bylaws have been revised and approved by the executive committee during the business meeting performed in Sliema – Malta, on 05 May 2001. The final form has been edited by the vice president and president of the society. During the same meeting the following decisions were made:
The Bylaws will come to effect during the next International Meeting (Madrid 2003)
Next general meeting will be held in Madrid in the year 2003. This meeting will be chaired by Dr. F. Antoli Candela.
The members of the advisory committee and the representatives of each country in the executive committee should be elected before the end of year 2002. The list of the components will be forwarded to the vice president Dr. Nuri Özgirgin before that date.
Offical logo of The Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology